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Acura Drives & Systems - Industrial Electronics Servicing,
Automation and Embedded Technologies

Complete solutions for the global technology market

Acura Drives & Systems - Technology Redefined

Acura Drives & systems, a technology company with a focus on emerging Industrial Automation, Industrial Electronics servicing & Embedded technologies with software development & For the past few years, we have successfully served the technology needs for several customers from diverse industries and locations and are on the verge of taking convenience technology and gadgets to a new high.

The teams industry segment experience include: Industrial automation, space research, Defense, OIL & Gas, transportation, Medical electronics and education. We believe our Employees - talented, enthusiastic and driven, best define us. Today, we have a team that have committed people from different managerial and engineering backgrounds.

Working in our offices around the clock, they use powerful technologies to provide services for project building and project accomplishment as well as complete solutions for the global technology market.

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